The Local Organising Committee is very grateful to all the institutions, companies and people who are supporting the IPT!

Are you interested in becoming a supporter of the International Physics Tournament?
Then contact us!
You have several ways to get involved in this great adventure:
Through financial support.
Through logistical support.
Through materiel donations for prizes, and more.
Reasons to support the IPT
There are many reasons to support the IPT, here are some thoughts from senior faculty members about the IPT and why it is important.
The IPT is a wonderful event in many ways. The problems are interesting, demanding high level of knowledge and understanding, and also a lot of creativity. This kind of open or half-open problems are an appropriate preparation for the research many of the participants will experience later as PhD students. The event format provides excellent training in presenting results, commenting on the presentations of others, and selecting the most important features of a presentation for a survey. The tournament is also an opportunity to make new friends. I am president of the Swedish Mathematical Olympiad for upper secondary school students, and I have often seen how advantageous it is for students, at all levels, to meet others with the same area of interest, and to build up a network of international contacts. Last but not least, it is a special feeling to fight not only for oneself, but for one’s university and one’s country.
Prof. Jana Majarova
They are working on problems which may seems simple. For instance, what is the highest possible tower you can make out from gelatine LEGO blocks. Importantly, the problems are open, and they have to limit their scope by posing concrete questions. In this case there are numerous possibilities to investigate such as skyscrapers, pyramids, etc. It is a hard job for the jury to decide the scores to make it fair as possible.
Prof. Andreas Isacsson
Six years have passed since the students of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw began their first preparations for the International Physicists’ Tournament. This unique and outstanding physics competition aimed at university students continues to play an important role in the activities of the top-tier students.
There are multiple reasons for such a sweeping success of the Tournament in the educational landscape of the University of Warsaw. First, the organizers go to great lengths to provide a set of original, appealing, inspiring, difficult yet approachable problems every year. Second, the formula of the tournament, which rewards listening, understanding and discussing constructively on par with presenting the solution is both enjoyable and formative for the participating students. Last but not least, the Tournament constitutes a meeting platform on which students from all regions of the globe can meet and interact in a fun, safe and stimulating environment.
Recognizing the benefits of participation in the Tournament, the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw now awards the students involved in the Tournament, both in the preparations and the actual competition, 4 or 5 ECTS points towards their curricula. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland also appreciates the Tournament, as signified by the success of the proposals submitted by the University in a highly competitive call for funding of educational projects. However, what speaks for the Tournament the most is the unwavering enthusiasm of students of the Faculty of Physics, who consider working on the problems of the Tournament a challenge, an honor and lots of fun at the same time.
Dr. Krzysztof Turzyński