
We are pleased to learn that former participants of the IPT 2015 have just published their results in a scientific journal!

Congratulations to Mark Bochkov, Daria Gusenkova, Evgenii Glushkov, Julia Zotova and S N Zhabin for their outstanding job. It is another proof that the IPT is a fantastic tool to learn how to do research!



Link to the article: “Resistive method for measuring the disintegration speed of Prince Rupert’s drops“.

As a reminder, the problem was the following:

“Prince Rupert’s drops are objects obtained by dropping hot glass into water. They can be destroyed by breaking off a piece of the thin tail. The destruction process moves from the tail to the opposite side with some speed. Calculate this speed and investigate how the speed depends on the environmental conditions during the drop formation and the properties of the glass.”

Here is a highly demonstrative video of the phenomenon:

